Please join us in extending best wishes to Awilda Rivera, Office Manager, who will be retiring on June 26th after thirty years with Databranch. Awilda’s joy, work ethic, and compassionate heart for everyone she works with will be greatly missed by all of us at Databranch but we are excited for what she has planned next and know she will continue to share her talents with our community as she enters into the next phase of her life.
Databranch President, David Prince, had the following to share about Awilda, “She has been the glue, the calm and consistent presence throughout all changes and challenges we have faced and overcome. Her integrity, work ethic, compassion and positivity are second to none. Often I have posed a dilemma to her and she has always provided a great sounding board and insightful counsel when asked. There are few times in life where you can say that you have spent literally tens of thousands of hours working with a person and she will be greatly missed.”
Jennifer Wetzler will be transitioning into her role starting on June 29th and while we know Awilda is irreplaceable, we are confident she has trained Jennifer well to step into her shoes and continuing serving our clients in the same dedicated manner. Awilda can be reached directly at arivera@databranch.com or 716-265-6805 x 17, if you would like to reach out with any well-wishes this week!